SOS engages in both environmental and economic initiatives to promote a sustainable future.
Save our Sodus is a non-profit organization founded by Sodus Bay residents around a kitchen table in 1999 to combat harmful weeds in Sodus Bay. SOS secured $75,000 in state funds to purchase a weed harvester for Wayne County which now clears the bay all summer long. SOS continues its commitment to PRESERVE Sodus Bay water quality through weed harvesting, water testing and wetland restoration.

Water Quality

Shoreline Resiliency
In response to the high water events of 2017 and 2019 on Lake Ontario, SOS added a second arm of mission: to PROTECT our community through shoreline resilience. We regularly advocate for funding to help property owners finance resiliency and repair from the high water. We now provide a liaison to the IJC’s review of Plan 2014 — which regulates Lake Ontario water levels.
In 2023, SOS added a third arm of mission: to PROMOTE a sustainable community. We see a link between highlighting our economic vitality and attracting investment to boost both our ecology and economy. To that end, SOS has taken on the promotion of a summer-long series of Sodus Bay events, to attract new attention to our beloved community.

Community Events